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  IN SEARCH OF IMMORTALITY The search for immortality has been one of the obsessions of human beings since they became aware of their own death. Leaving aside any other approach, and looking at it from a purely biological point of view, we can consider any living being as a physical system. And, consequently, subject to the laws of the physical world. One of the most important laws in this field are the laws or principles of thermodynamics . The first, perhaps the best known, states that energy is neither created nor destroyed, it only transforms. And the second, expressed colloquially, says that any physical system has a tendency to spontaneously become disordered. In principle, these laws are applicable to any closed system, that is, isolated from the environment. However, living beings are not closed systems. We maintain a permanent exchange of matter and energy with our environment. And thanks to this exchange we can escape the thermodynamic yoke and maintain our “or...

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